Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Homonyms Quiz 1

1. The ___ looked dashing in his armour.
a. night
b. knight

2. I have blond hair and ___ eyes.
a. blew
b. blue

3. I don't even have one ___ with me.
a. cent
b. sent

4. He said he ___ where the place was.
a. knew
b. new

5. An island is a piece of land surrounded by the ___.
a. see
b. sea

6. ___ you like coffee or tea?
a. Would
b. Wood

7. I ___ my bike yesterday, so my legs are sore.
a. rode
b. road

8. Are you ___ or left-handed
a. right
b. write

9. My boat has two ___.
a. sales
b. sails

10. I would like ___ tea, please.
a. week
b. weak

11. Do you _________ which is right?
a. know
b. no

12. Where did the dog __________ the bone?
a. bury
b. berry

13. I need some more __________ for the cake.
a. flower
b. flour

14. He always makes so much noise when he ___________.
a. chews
b. choose

15. He has something in his ________________.
a. eye
b. I

16. I _________________ too much for dinner.
a. eight
b. ate

17. The American flag is _______________, white and blue.
a. red
b. read

18. He ate the ____________________ cake.
a. whole
b. hole

19. I don't have to __________________ there until evening.
a. bee
b. be

20. Is there any _________________ in the soup?
a. meat
b. meet